
Upper Middle Branch Gorge, Westfield River

Westfield, MA
1 mile
30 degree water temp
36 degree air temp
Low but fluid level
Second run of the day.
JimO, Mike(CT), Scott, Toddo

We headed to the middle branch after Factory Brook. I had been here one year ago and remembered I wanted nothing to do with the first couple drops. So I headed down stream with a strap on my boat, this sucker is steep. Snow was at least 6 inches so it was going to be treacherous getting to the waters edge. I was making my way with Scott following when I started to slide. The slope was steep enough that as I was sliding it was a three pointer. My ass and feet and hand were all touching the ground and I was nearly standing up, I am telling you this is steep. So as I slide for 20 feet I reach out and grab a tree to slow things down, and at nearly the same moment my boat, which is sliding in front of me, hits a tree and dissipates some speed. After the boat slows, I let go of the strap and it slips over the last 15 foot ledge and falls to river level where it rests safely waiting for my arrival. Scott lowered his boat to me and then we together lowered it down to river level and scampered down ourselves.

We look upstream and the very large tree that used to hang over the first drop is now across the second drop. Jim gets out and directs Mike around the tree and then Jim goes the same route, way hard right over the little ledge and slide down the rocks.

Scott and I get in our boats and slide into the water and head down stream. Just as I remembered, lots of rock dodging and ledges to boof over. We have been paddling for a little bit now and I am sure the fun is coming to an end. I look up and see a ledge going from center to river right at about a 30 degree angle down stream. I don't see Jim below so I set up to square it and boof the ledge towards the left. I pitoned on some rocks and this stalled me out and pushed me to the right so I am next to the wall/ ledge on my right and the hole is behind me and getting closer. I can't get a stroke because I am on the wall on the right and strokes on my left push me further to the wall. Now I am holding a right brace to save my life. And finally I am upside down, I try a roll while thinking "just roll" and come up in the hole and immediately go back under. One more lame attempt and I am swimming in a pool of 30 degree water. Brrr.

I do another self-rescue and empty my boat then we head down stream and finish the run with no more excitement.


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