
Hubbard Brook, MA 1/19/06

Hubbard Brook, Ma
Tolland, Ma
Class V
High/med level

This is Kory's sequence on Michaud's Falls. He started out with a vertical entrance that looked a little squirrely but he cleaned it up and looked pulling a nice boof off the big rock after the initial drop. Then it looks like he found a rock to slow him down and that's when the meltdown began... he kept it together, and kept his head down and rolled her up with some tender spots on the shoulders and back. Nice job Kory! I wish I would take your lead sometimes.

Now I feel like a real screw ball, i show up this time and it is pumping, so I'm not sure I want to hit it. "I'll see how the first run goes for everyone"...It was big and I was happy to take a hike and get some nice photos of Michaud's Falls. Mollie enjoyed the hike and my butt stayed dry so everyone was happy.

Paul's "fallin' down"

In the background you can see the wild man himself scoping out the right line, he said the right only comes in at higher water.


If you look close you can see he has taken his glasses off for this drop. Granpa Michaud cleanin up the fresh lines, awesome.

Another white-out but on the opposite side of the river, no sneaks on this one.


Walker Brook 1/14/06

Walker Brook, MA
Med/High level
Class IV-V(-)

Dislocation/ Larkham's Rock

Rob had his "incident" here and seems to always have some excitement at this spot. Just upstream from here, after the bridge above the campground is where I got into the left bank which was up in the trees. I got in the trees once and pushed myself out and then I was again in the trees except this time upside down. I pulled my skirt and stepped out holding onto my boat and paddle while Rob and Kory paddled through. As Rob was fighting to help me, I said "I'm good to go/I'm fine" and later he said he wasn't sure if I was being sarcastic or not. I guarantee you will know if I need your help, and also, I usually save the sarcasm for the take-out or at least an eddy.

After fighting the river to empty my boat and trying to get back in the river I was exhausted. I look over my shoulder and Carl is standing over me looking down from the road like God in the clouds. My first thought was... "how in the hell did some tourist find me along this river" The crazy things that run through our minds?

I threw a rope up to Carl and he helped pull me up to the road and I called it a run. I was upstream from Larkham's rock about 300 yards...go figure.

So the swim is the reason I have all of the rest of these photos.

James, Rob & Kory

James, right of center on the second to last drop right in Chester, MA.

Kory is boofing and Rob is lining it up.

Rob's sinkin' it, and Kory is in the back.

Check out the paparazi on both right and left banks.


Hubbard Brook, MA

Hubbard Brook, MA
V 3.6 miles
130 feet/mile

'The Legend'

Jim Michaud (67) on his first descented run with a rapid in his name.(Michaud Falls)(aka The Big One)

Kory on the "stairs" at the put-in.

Scott's Blue Jefe.

The put-in pool.

The take-out walk.

"2.75 is too low" so they say.

Full days story to come shortly...OK so here's the story...I show up at the put-in with Mollie in tow and am contemplating my second run on Hubbard. I have decided that I will only do the second run of two that everyone is planning. This should be a two hour run with portages/scouting for wood and I was waiting at the take-out for 3.5hrs when they finally started walking down the road for the cars. The reason it took so long is it almost turned into a hike instead of a float. Lots of scraping and pulling through some parts. So nobody was intrested in a second run, nor did anyone now have the time necessary. So...till another day.


Black River

II-III(+)(IV) Stephentown, NY
30 degree water temp
28 degree air temp
Timmy, Toddo

The Black river is a local II+III+ creek in my back yard. Just over one year ago I believe I got my one and only first descent. I had looked at this river for several months and studied the maps and finally made the plunge. This run had 8 portages on the high side and the lowest portages has been 3 with a couple duck unders and a couple thread the needles.

We put on about 10:30 am and had a low, scrapey run, as usual. It seems this run could always use a little more water. After scrapping down the first upper section, a feeder brook enters on the right and nearly doubles the flow. With the extra water things smooth out a little and we continue heading down stream. After a couple duck-unders, and a couple of threaded needles we arrive at "the drop." This is the 1/4 mile section that makes this run worthy. A nice boulder chocked drop to begin then a boulder garden run-out for several 100 yards. Tim took a look to refresh his memory and then we both peeled out and dropped in with no excitement to speak of. After this section the river runs a little further and soon confluences with the Kinderhook Creek and then your at the Roaring Brook confluence which happens to be the take-out. Our buckles were all frozen, needless to say, getting out of frozen gear with cold fingers is always a challenge. However, this run is just 7 miles from home so I just jump in the car with the new waterproof seatcovers and undress at home, and follow with a hot shower. Nothing like boating local.


Upper Middle Branch Gorge, Westfield River

Westfield, MA
1 mile
30 degree water temp
36 degree air temp
Low but fluid level
Second run of the day.
JimO, Mike(CT), Scott, Toddo

We headed to the middle branch after Factory Brook. I had been here one year ago and remembered I wanted nothing to do with the first couple drops. So I headed down stream with a strap on my boat, this sucker is steep. Snow was at least 6 inches so it was going to be treacherous getting to the waters edge. I was making my way with Scott following when I started to slide. The slope was steep enough that as I was sliding it was a three pointer. My ass and feet and hand were all touching the ground and I was nearly standing up, I am telling you this is steep. So as I slide for 20 feet I reach out and grab a tree to slow things down, and at nearly the same moment my boat, which is sliding in front of me, hits a tree and dissipates some speed. After the boat slows, I let go of the strap and it slips over the last 15 foot ledge and falls to river level where it rests safely waiting for my arrival. Scott lowered his boat to me and then we together lowered it down to river level and scampered down ourselves.

We look upstream and the very large tree that used to hang over the first drop is now across the second drop. Jim gets out and directs Mike around the tree and then Jim goes the same route, way hard right over the little ledge and slide down the rocks.

Scott and I get in our boats and slide into the water and head down stream. Just as I remembered, lots of rock dodging and ledges to boof over. We have been paddling for a little bit now and I am sure the fun is coming to an end. I look up and see a ledge going from center to river right at about a 30 degree angle down stream. I don't see Jim below so I set up to square it and boof the ledge towards the left. I pitoned on some rocks and this stalled me out and pushed me to the right so I am next to the wall/ ledge on my right and the hole is behind me and getting closer. I can't get a stroke because I am on the wall on the right and strokes on my left push me further to the wall. Now I am holding a right brace to save my life. And finally I am upside down, I try a roll while thinking "just roll" and come up in the hole and immediately go back under. One more lame attempt and I am swimming in a pool of 30 degree water. Brrr.

I do another self-rescue and empty my boat then we head down stream and finish the run with no more excitement.


Factory Brook

Bancroft, Ma IV+
30 degree water temp, 36 degree air temp
6 miles
Toddo, Jim O, Carl, Mike(CT) and Scott

First Descent for me and it was a little scrappy but it was fluid enough to float a boat so all were happy. We met at the take-out just downstream on the West Branch of the Westfield from Bancroft river left road. You can't miss Factory Brook, you'll cross it in a short distance. We loaded everything into Jim and Mike's trucks and headed up to the put-in.

Something special about the first time you do a new run. Before we put-in, Jim Michaud and Paul (?) show up and are heading over to the West Branch but are waiting for our "quick" run to end. They want some company. Alden also showed up but has no boat, only his camera. He is working on his new book coming out later this year, hopefully.

Getting my skirt on is always tight in the cool weather and with my creek mitts it is a test of endurance. If you don't get it the first or second try, your too tired and need someone's help. I got it on just after I see Paul running my way to presumably lend a hand. Oh to have warm sunny weather all the time would be a dream. We head downstream and find ledge/ pool drop after drop with nice boogie water in between. Another classic, and why haven't I gotten on this before? It seems we always hit Walker Brook first and don't get this "far" north. The shame to have waited so long. A little more water would have been nice but it wouldn't take much to make some big beefy river wide holes in some of those nice, ledgey drops. We kept pushing downstream until we found ourselves in the middle of a small-micro rock garden with our boats a little high and dry. A little pulling with your hands and your right through and over a 3 foot drop and back in the flow.

We proceed around the right side of an island, I'm following Jim and Scott is behind me. I wait, and wait for Carl and Mike with nothing. So I start walking upstream and through the river and up to the road. Sure enough, they went left and we went right. And were only 500 yards from the take-out.

What a sweet run, and Carl lives on the Mtn right above the creek. I ask Carl where all of the "factories" are because there was no signs, just beautiful wilderness on the drive up. I'm expecting something like the put-in for the Dryway. Nope, just several stone foundations and remnants from days gone by when the little valley was using the brook to it's fullest economic potential. He said there was maybe seven different mills at one point. I suggest checking it out, it seems Jim O. is always ready to lead new people down anything he knows is flowing.

West Branch Westfield River, MA

Becket, MA III-IV
9.5 miles 32 degree water temp, 38 degree air temp.
1240 cfs (lower level, but smooth)
Toddo, Rob, Jim O. & Jim Michaud

Rob's day on Playkill Creek
(ask him about it someday)

The day after Christmas, and I find myself in Becket, Ma getting ready for one of my favorite stand-by runs. Stand-by meaning that when other stuff isn't running or is iced in or to far of a drive, the West Branch is always there just waiting for a run. The snow at the put-in was at least 12 inches and made getting to the waters edge a little adventure. Snow usually can help things if you don't fight it. We all pushed off and proceeded to chase the Jims downstream. Both Jims are always leading and they did a fine job again. We arrived at the first little feature above Bancroft and let Jim O. check for any wood or ice in the drop. All clear so we followed Jim Michaud, come into it just right of center and power over the little wave / rock on the right. This will put you on a tongue on the far side of the wave (river right) and ready to boof into the pool below. I of course didn't get far enough right and caught the edge of the hole and Pitoned a little on a rock sub-surface level. I didn't hit my boof very well either. Everyone else, Rob and Jim O. made their way through without incidence and we continued with the boogy water this run is known for. And the scenery, many RR bridges in the wilderness. Several of the RR bridges on the lower section (below Bancroft) are the old arch and keystone type. Pretty impressive(?) what can be built with cheap labor.

After Bancroft, Rob empties his boat with fears of a cracked boat. He was sitting in several inches of water but all looked good after inspection. Things quiet down a little for the second half and soon your upon the infamous double ledge drop. We all gathered in the river left eddy above the top ledge. Jim Michaud floated by and went left, the usual line, and made it look flawless. Jim O. mentions he wants to make the right boof but opts for the normal left line. I follow Jim with a little rock landing on the far, far left. I have gotten a little taste of this hole and seen others go for a ride and I don't want any part of that thing. I didn't know there was rocks over there on the far left, guess they weren't there last time at 4800 cfs. Rob comes on through without incidence and a big smile. We head down river to Rob's house and climb his backyard hill for a take-out. Another great day in the Westfield's of MA.


Helmet Madness!

A brand new green SR Vixen with some vinyl graffix for the lady and paint for the Grateful Heads helmet. They are almost too pretty to use.(Naaa)